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Kaivalya Upanishad Class Notes


Kaivalya Upanishad

Namaste: Please click on the link below for my notes on Kaivalya Upanishads.  These notes are based on the teachings of Swami Paramarthananda. Notes-KaivalyaUpanishad (more…)

Kaivalya Upanshad, Class 13 – Summary

Greetings, Swamiji summarized the Kaivalya Upanishad’s teachings today. This Upanishad is known by its name as it gives Kaivalyam or Moksha or non-duality to the seeker. There is no second thing in the cosmos to limit me, not space, nor time nor object to limit me. Spatial, temporal and objectal limitations do not exist for […]

Kaivalya Upanisahd, Class 12

Greetings All, Shloka’s 22 & 23: Continuing his teaching on Kaivalya Upanishad,  Swamiji says, from shloka’s 15-22, the teacher is revealing the nature of Brahman via a subtle method called Adhyaroopa Apavada Gyanam. This method is an important method in Vedanta. Example of this method is given below: A man has a pot in hand. […]

Kaivalya Upanishad, Class 11

Greetings All, Shloka # 19: Continuing his teaching on Kaivalya Upanishad, recapping last week’s lessons, Swamiji says, in all these mahavakya mantras the Jivatma-paramatma aikyam is revealed. Jiva and Parama are not intrinsic properties of Atma. Their manifestation depends upon the medium. Just as a face appears different in a convex or concave mirror so […]

Kaivalya Upanishad, Class 10

Shloka # 16: Continuing his teaching on Kaivalya Upanishad, recapping last week’s lessons, Swamiji says, All these mantras are known as maha-vakyas. They reveal Jivatma-paramatma aikyam. They are not two separate entities. They are essentially one and the same. The Atma manifests itself through Vyashti (micro) and Samashthi (macro) mediums. The mediums are known as […]

Kaivalya Upanishad, Class 9

Greetings All, Continuing his teaching on Kaivalya Upanishad, Swamiji says, after talking about nidhidhyasanam, Brahmaji has come to sravanam and mananam in reverse order. Sri Krishna also does the same when he reverses the order in chapter 2 of the Gita dealing with Gyana yoga first and then coming to Karma yoga. It is the […]

Kaivalya Upanishad, Class 8

Greetings All, Continuing his teaching on Kaivalya Upanishad, Swamiji says, in previous class we discussed Nididhyasanam and then Brahmaji discussed the Gyana Phalam as well. Gyanam is the only means of liberation. Are other sadhanas not useful if they do not lead to liberation? They are useful for preparing the mind but not for liberation. […]

Kaivalya Upanishad, Class 7

Continuing his teaching on Kaivalya Upanishad, Swamiji says, in Shlokas 5 though 7, Brahmaji gave instructions on the three levels of meditation. Everyone has to go through all three levels of meditation. First level is Eka Roopa Ishwara Dhyanam, second level is Aneka Roopa Ishwara Dhyanam and third level is Aroopa Ishwara Dhyanam. At the […]

Kaivalya Upanishad, Class 6

Greetings All, Continuing his teaching on Kaivalya Upanishad Swamiji says, the student approached the teacher and asked for Brahma Vidya. He was sufficiently informed that it was the only means of liberation. What are the means to obtain Brahma Vidya? Brahmji says there are two means. 1. Direct or Sakshat and 2. Supporting means. Direct […]

Kaivalya Upanishad, Class 5

Continuing his teaching on Kaivalya Upanishad Swamiji says, the student Ashvalayana approached Guru Brahmaji and asked for Brahma Vidya. This indicates maturity of the student. He does not ask for liberation, rather asks for Brahma Vidya. This is an important corollary as student is very clear that liberation can only be got through Brahma Vidya. […]