Upadesa Saram, Class 3
Greetings to all,
Shloka # 1:
“The results of action flow according to the law of the Creator. Is Karma, action, God? It is insentient.”
Continuing his teaching of Upadesha Saram Swami Paramarthananada refreshed our memory about the last class. He said this text is the essence of the teaching of Lord Shiva and it begins with a negation of the ritualistic practices that were the core belief of the Poorvamimasakas.
In Shlokas # 1 and # 2 Ramana Maharishi addresses this negation. The Poorvamimasakas have a misconception regarding Ishwara and Karma. In the first shloka misconception about Ishwara is negated. In the second shloka the misconception about Karma is negated as well.
In the first shloka Ramana MahaRishi points out to the existence of Ishwara. Vedapramanam and logic supports this. Creation is not an accident. It confirms: Ishwara Asthi.
In second shloka Ramana MahaRishi confirms that it is Ishwara alone who brings out the world as well as the Vedas for the world. In several places Jagat Karta Ishwara is mentioned. He is the giver of Vedas. Negating the proposition of Poorvamimasakas that the world is eternal and that God need not create it, Ramana MahaRishi says both the world and Vedas were brought by God.
Saying that Karma does not produce Phalam also negates their third misconception. Even the laws of Creation cannot produce Phalam. It requires a discriminating person to produce the Phalam. Karma cannot do it nor can the various laws of the universe. Both are Jadam’s. Here, Ishwara alone gives the Phalam, keeping the Karma of the person in mind.
Shloka # 2:
“ The fruits of action are transient. Action causes one to fall into the ocean of further action. It obstructs the goal”.
Here Ramana MahaRishi refutes the misconception of the Poorvamimasakas regarding Karma. Ramana MahaRishi gives us three important lessons in this regard. They are:
- Karma cannot give us liberation. All types of Karmas including Service, devotional, meditational and ritualistic will not produce Moksha.
- On the other hand Karma is an obstacle to Moksha.
- Not only is Karma an obstacle, it is actually a cause of bondage as well.
Explaining each lesson further:
- The misconception that Karma can gives is liberation:
- The Karma Phalam from all Karmas such as Service, devotional, meditational and ritualistic are finite in nature or Anithya whereas Moksha is defined as infinite or Nithyaha. Vedas reveal this as well. They say all Karma Phalam’s are anithyam. Both Mundako Upanishad and Gita say the same.
- Logic also reveals it. Action and Reaction are always equal and proportional. Karma always occurs in the finite as place, time and people are known. So, results too have to be finite. Sruthi reveals it as also our own experiences. Therefore Karma Phalam is Anithyam.
- Karma cannot give us Moksha; it is actually an obstruction: Karma makes a person extrovert. Caught in activity, it leads to more activity. Karma does not give us time for introspection. Only in introspection can we think of Moksha, Gyanam, Vedanta Sravnam etc. A life without leisure does not permit this Self Enquiry. Therefore, Karma is an obstacle to Self Enquiry. In Karma, the mind becomes restless and shallow.
- Karma cannot give us Moksha, it is actually an obstruction and it is a source of greater bondage.
In Karma one gets more and more enmeshed in Samsara. Karma leads to more Karma. It multiplies itself. Even if you want to get out of it, you cannot. It becomes like a whirlpool, in an ocean.
As we grow older Shastras say we should withdraw from Karma to Vanaprastha. However, in reality, we are not able to so.
Thus, rebutting the misconception of Poorvamimasakas, Ramana MahaRishi say’s Karma cannot give us Moksha.
Shloka # 3:
“ Action dedicated to God and done without desire purifies the mind.
It aids liberation.”
If Karma is so poisonous, can we renounce it? Shastras say we cannot
renounce it. The reasons are:
- Our organs are made to be active. Gita chapter 3 also addresses it.
- All human beings are born with countless desires for wealth, possessions and entertainment. We also tend to amass for our children and grandchildren. This creates Kama within us that in turn beget more and more Karma. Kama (desire) cannot be removed due to our Avidya or Self Ignorance. We do not have a choice. I would like to give up activity, but cannot. In such situations, Vedas come to help us. Vedas say even if Karma is a poison, it can be used in such a manner as to extract medicine from it. Citing example of snake venom, it is used to extract medicine for snakebite. Thus, even a poison becomes useful.
Even the painful experiences of our lives can be helpful if we know what to extract from them. Properly handled Karma is called Karma Yoga. This converts the poison into medicine.
How to convert Karma into Karma Yoga? Ramana Maharishi says, convert all Karmas into a Puja.
Ramana MahaRishi is not saying anything new. Gita Chapter 3 also explains the process involved. Ishavasa Upanishad also addresses it.
Vedas say there are two types of Karmas. One is Sakama Karma and other is Nishkama Karma. What is the difference between the two?
Sakama Karma is materialistic Karma that produces primarily worldly benefits. These Karmas too, if offered as an offering to God, become spiritual benefits. Their spiritual benefit is however relatively small. Nevertheless, they too purify one’s mind.
Nishkama Karma produces primarily spiritual benefits. These spiritual benefits are often intangible and invisible. It also produces material benefits but only as a byproduct. Nishkama Karma gets us closer to Moksha.
Both Karmas (Sakama and NishKama) must be performed as an offering to God.
Ramana Maharishi has not defined what are Sakama Karma’s, as we all know them very well.
What are the NishKama Karmas? The Panch MahaYagna’s are Nishkama Karmas. Swamiji will describe them in detail later.
Before starting any Karma, God is always to be remembered. One should strive to perform more and more NishKama Karmas and less and less of Sakama Karmas.
When inner growth is your primary goal, you are then considered a seeker.
When material Growth is your primary goal, even if you a religious person, you are not yet a seeker.
When I am obsessed with what I have, I am a materialistic person. However, when I am obsessed with what I want to be, I am a Karma Yogi. Such a Karma Yogi is a promoter of Moksha.
Swamiji reminded us that Ramana MahaRishi’s teaching are very concise and as such should be studied with other scriptures.
Shloka # 4:
“ Ritualistic worship, chanting, and meditation are done with the body, voice and the mind; they excel each other in the ascending order.”
What are the NishKama Karmas? Ramana MahaRishi describes them at three levels:
- Kayika Karma: Here the physical activity is the dominant, while verbal and mental are also present. Many rituals require physical activity. Puja is one such activity. All NishKama Puja performed without seeking materialistic benefit is considered the best. Regular Puja is very important for a seeker. Many people who study Vedanta do not perform Puja. Without Puja transformation does not take place. Many People who are seeking “Who am I” often forget the Puja. They say Ramana MahaRishi never did Puja. They seem to forget that he was at a different level from most of them. Puja is the best method of Kayika Karma.
- Vachika Karma: is Japa offered to God.
- Manas Karma: Is Ishwara Dhyanam.With Best Wishes,
Ram Ramaswamy