Prasna Upanishad, Class 6


Prasna Upanishad, Class 6 – Dec 20, 2015

Continuation of explanation of verse 11.

[divah: bhuvarlOkha. pare: beyond]

SuryalOkha is in a place beyond bhuvarlokha. (bhUlOkha is earth, bhuverlOkha is intermediate, suverlOkha is in a higher space).

Adhithya is also purishinam (plenty of water). Why? Sun alone is responsible for rain. Some sages glorify the sun in these terms. Other sages glorify the sun in other terms, including vichakshanam (illuminator of all), Hiranyagarbha (which is samashti buddhi), omniscience, one with 7 chakras (7 horsed), 7 colours, six-spoked (each season being a spoke and life moves in seasons alone).

With this, the samvatsare shrishti is over but not the kAla srishti.

Verse 12. mAsa shrishtih: (division of month)

mAsa is a manifest of PrajApathi. Must come in dual (mithuna) form. – complementary pair: krishna and shukla paksha. For those rishis that meditate on shukla prAna, their rituals will be as good as when done in shukla pakshi. Rituals during Shukla pakshi are more efficacious than in krishnapakshi. If you do upAsana on shuklaprAna, rituals on k-p will be as effective as done in sh-paksha. Any karma done with upAsana will have better effect.

Verse 13. (division of day into day and night)

Day and night are also prajApathi. Day is prAna and night is matter. The rule given to householders is that sthri samyoga should only occur at night, otherwise if during daytime, they lose all their energy. Daytime is presided over by prAna and they will be dissipating it. At night time, it is as good as observing bhramcharyam.

Verse 14. anna Shrishtih:

After dEsah: and kAlaH:, now comes annam. PrajApathi alone is food. Annam also must consist of rayih: and prAna but this not mentioned here. From food is derived the seed (retah:) (meaning here sperm and ovum). All beings are borne from the combination of the male and female seed and hence from food and hence from PrajApathi.

Verse 15. phala stuthi

Some vratham has to given to those not into vEdantam. PrajApathi vratham develops self control in sthri samyoga. Thos who follow this p-vratham will get mithunam (complementary pair). P-vratham is an important condition for attaining krishnagthi and shuklagathi. [in this verse bhulokha stands for chandralOkha]. This will be attained for those who follow austerities’discipline and who are truthful. For vedAnta jnAnis also, brahmacharya vratam is highlighted.


Verse 16.

Only for those following Brahmavratham is BrahmalOkha possible. BrahmalOkha’s benefit is shukham. An important qualification is that one must be free from 3 evils:

  1. Free from vakra buddhi (negative motives, seeing wrong side of things).
  2. Lying
  3. Fraud, cheating (mAyA chethi)