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Kaivalya Upanishad Class Notes


Kaivalya Upanishad, Class 4

Greetings All, In mantra #1, Sruthi introduced Ashvalayana and his teacher Brahma. The student with appropriate qualifications asks for Brahmavidya with humility, also called Pariprashnaha. Having seen the student as well qualified from his approach, Brahmaji agrees to teach him. Brahma addressed the student and gave him instructions on the instruments or Sadhana to be […]

Kaivalya Upanishad, Class 3

Greetings All, Swamiji said in his previous introduction we saw Upanishad means Atma Vidhya or Brahma Vidhya as it brings Jivatma and Paramatma together. This process brings the Seeker and Sought together and thus Samsara is destroyed. Sat + Upani means wisdom inside us. It is the  primary meaning. A secondary meaning of Upanishad is […]

Kaivalya Upanishad, Class 2

Swamiji continued with his introductory talk. He talked about necessity of self-inquiry. Our idea of our selves and vision of scriptures about us are different. I feel “I am full of defects”. I am searching to free myself of these defects. Scriptures say, “You are free of Doshas.” There is a contradiction between what I […]

Kaivalya Upanishad, Class 1

Swamiji started his teachings on Kaivalya Upanishad with an introduction. The purpose of the introduction was to summarize the main points of the Upanishad. Vedas, the primary scriptures, are classified as: 1) Vedapurvaha, meaning beginning portion of Vedas and 2) Vedantaha, meaning ending portion of Vedas.  Vedapurvaha deals with Karma or action or Karma-Kanda, also […]