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Class notes and other documents related to Bagwat Gita


Bagawat Geeta Class 8

Bagawat Geeta Class 8 Namaste! Summary of class on December 19th: Verses 29-34 continues with Arjuna’s emotion of shOka (sorrow) and VyAsa here wants to show the intensity of the sorrow. Arjuna is describing how he is physically affected (limbs drooping, mouth drying up, body trembling, hairs standing, the Gandiva slipping, skin on fire, mind […]

Bagawat Geeta Class 7

Namaste! Summary of class on December 12th: Swamiji says that no value can be followed unconditionally because every value has an exception. When everything else fails, himsa is allowed. Verses 24 and 25: ( Sanjaya said) ”  Oh Dhrtarastra! Commanded thus ( to place the chariot in between the armies) by Arjuna, Krishna placed the […]

Bagawat Geeta Class 6

Namaste! Summary of Bhaghavad Gita class on 12/5/2015: Verses 14 – 23 Verse 14 –  “Thereafter,  Krishna and Arjuna, seated in a grand chariot with white horses, blew their divine conches.” After the Kaurava army signaled their readiness, it is the Pandavas’ turn to signal their readiness. Even though he is not the oldest, Krishna […]

Comments on Sloka 10 of Chapter1

“Aparyaptam tad asmakam  balam bhishmabhi raksitam  Paryaptam tvidam etesam  balam Bhimabhi raksitam”   Here Duryodhana is addressing Dronacharya  comparing the strengths of Pandavas and kawravas army. There seems to be a difference of opinion in the interpretation of this sloka among well known commentators.  Some commentators give the meaning “unlimited” for the word “aparyaptam” and […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 5

Chapter 1- Verses 3 to 11 Duryodhana’s dialogue with Dronacharya continues- Verse 3 : Oh teacher!  See this vast army of the Pandavas, arrayed by the son of Drupada, your skillful disciple. Verse 4: In this army there are many powerful archers who are equal to Bhima and Arjuna in war – Satyaki, the king […]


Dhritarashtra asks Sanjaya  ” MAMAKAH PANDAVAH CA EVA DHARMAKSHETRE KIM AKURVATHAH”   (What did MY PEOPLE and also the Pandavas do in the Holy land?)   Dhritarashtra was born congenitally blind. He also acquired inner blindness  by his selfishness and excessive attachment to Duryodhana.  Dhritarashtra, being blind, was not eligible for the throne and hence PANDU […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 4

Greetings All, Gita, Chapter # 1: Swamiji started his talks on the Gita today. He says: Chapter 1 is an introduction to the Gita. It is a dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna. The main theme of Gita starts at Verse #11, chapter 2. Even Shankarachraya’s commentaries start from this point. The introduction in chapter 1 […]

Bagawat Geeta, Class 3

Greetings All, Swamiji continued with his discussion of the invocation prayer called Gitagyana Shloka. Madhusudhana Saraswathi wrote this Shloka. While this shloka was not originally a part of Gita, it is now accepted as one.  The Gitagyana Shloka has nine verses. In these Shlokas we are offering namaskara to: Bharathi, Gita/ Saraswathi, Vyasa and Lord […]


This glory of the GITA is narrated in VARAHA PURANA Bhudevi(Maha Lakshmi) approached Lord Vishnu and enquired – How , one who is bound with his Prarabdha maintain constant devotion upon You? The Lord replied that who meditates on Gita will attain that status. Lord further asserted that where ever  the book GITA is kept, […]

Bagawat Geeta 2: Dhyana Sloka

Continuing his introductory remarks for Bhagawat Gita Swamiji today discussed the invocation prayer called Gitagyana Shloka. Madhusudhana Saraswathi wrote this Shloka. Madhusuadana also wrote a commentary on the Gita called Bhagavad-gita-gudhartha-dipika. The Gitagyana Shloka has nine verses. In these Shlokas we are offering namaskara to: Bharathi, Gita/ Saraswathi, Vyasa and Lord Krishna. Expanding on the […]