Tag Archives: Mandukya Upanishad


Mandukya Upanishad, Class 10

In the seventh mantra the Upanishads is talking about thuriya pada, which is consciousness not associated with any other padhas and looked at its own stand point.  The first three padhas are divided into subject object duality.  But in thuriyam, it does not have pramadha premaya duality.  Thuriyum is neither pramdaha knower and premayam the […]

Mandukya Upanishad, Class 9

Karika # 9: भोगार्थं सृष्टिरित्यन्ये क्रीडार्थमिति चापरे ।  देवस्यैष स्वाभावोऽयमाप्तकामस्य का स्पृहा ॥ ९ ॥ Others think that the world is being created fore the purpose of God’s enjoyment, while others still attribute it to a mere play of the Lord. But it is the very nature of the effulgent Being, the Atman; for what […]

Mandukya Upanishad Class 8

Karika # 4:  Tripti Trayam:  स्थूलं तर्पयते विश्वं प्रविविक्तं तु तैजसम् ।  आनन्दश्च तथा प्राज्ञं त्रिधा तृप्तिं निबोधत ॥ ४ ॥ The gross objects satisfy the Viswa, whereas the subtle objects satisfy the Taijasa, while the bliss satisfies the Prajna, Thus the bliss is threefold. Swamiji said in these karika shlokas Gudapada is summarizing the […]

Mandukya Upanishad, Class 7

Mantra # 6: This is the Lord of all, this is the knower of all, this is the inner controller, this is the source of all. And this is that from which all things originate and in which they finally dissolve themselves. Swamiji said the Upanishad is in middle of Chatushpada Atma Vichara. The teaching […]

Mandukya Upanishad Class 6

Mantra # 5: That is the state of deep sleep wherein the sleeper does not desire any objects nor does he see any dream. The third quarter (pada) is the “Prajna” whose sphere is deep sleep, in whom all (experiences) become unified or undifferentiated, who is verily a homogeneous mass of Consciousness entire, who is […]

Mandukya Upanishad, Class 5

Mantra # 3: The first quarter (pada) is “Vaisvanara” whose sphere is the waking state, who is conscious of the external world of objects, who has seven limbs and nineteen mouths and who enjoys the gross objects of the world. Swamiji said after introducing two types of analysis: Omkara Vichara in mantra #1 and Atma […]

Mandukya Upanishad, Class 4

Shloka # 1: Om, the word, is all this. A clear explanation of it is (the following)- all that is past, present and future, verily, is OM. That which is beyond the three periods of time is also indeed, OM. Swamiji said, in last class I pointed out that the first mantra is introducing two […]

Mandukya Upanishad, Class 3

Greetings All, Swamiji said, in last class we saw that in Vedanta when Shabda Pramanam is employed properly through Srvanam, Mananam and Nidhidhyasanam; through a qualified Guru; it will produce Gyanam. Even though words normally don’t reveal Brahman, the Upanishad still uses different methods to reveal Brahman through words. The Gyani parampara is proof of […]

Mandukya Upanishad, Class 2

Introduction to the Upanishad, continued Swamiji said, in last class we saw that Vedanta Pramanam is the only means of Brahma Gyanam; all others are extrovert and reveal only anatma. Vedanta Pramanam, in words, however, reveals Brahman. Scriptures however, say Brahman is beyond description of words. They say, words cannot describe Brahman; however, Upanishad itself […]